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Taking advantage of different prices of an asset in two markets is called arbitrage. For example, buying an asset for 100 dollars in market A and selling it for 105 dollars in market B.


it is the highest price at which a trader is willing to pay to buy a particular asset or currency.


it refers to something valuable, such as a currency.

Averaging down

When a trader buys an asset, the price reduces, and if the trader buys more, the price drops even more. This is known as averaging down.


Base Currency

The first currency of any currency pair is called the base currency. for example, the USD is the base currency in this currency pair: USD/EUR


Traders that believe a market, asset, or financial instrument is moving down are known as bears.

Bear Market

It describes a situation in which a market is experiencing price declines.


It is the lowest price at which a trader is willing to sell a particular asset or currency.


Bonds are a type of financial investment in which you lend money to a company for a set length of time. Depending on the type of institution you are lending to, they normally come in two varieties: corporate bonds and government bonds.


Bulls are investors who believe that the value of a market, instrument, or sector will rise in the future.

Bull Market

It describes a situation in which a market is experiencing increasing prices.

Buy Limit Order

it is an order to buy an asset or currency at or lower than a specific price level and it helps traders to control the amount of money they pay to buy something.


Carry Trade

it is a trading strategy in which a trader borrows an amount of money with a low-interest rate and invests that money in an asset that provides a high rate of return.

Closed Position

A trade that is no longer active and its profits or losses are realized.

Closing Market Rate

the final value of a currency or an asset at the end of a specific time frame (usually regular market hours)

Closing Price

This is the final price at which an asset was traded on a given day.


The fee that an investment broker charges for making trades on behalf of a client is known as commission.


A commodity is a fundamental physical asset that is frequently used as a raw material in manufacturing goods or services.

Currency Appreciation

an increase in the value of a currency compared to another one.

Currency Futures

these contracts specify the price of a currency for a predetermined date in future.

Currency Pair

a currency pair is what’s being traded within any forex transaction, and it includes two different currencies; the first one is called the base currency, and the second one is called quote currency. For example: USD/EUR


Daily Chart

A diagram that analyzes the price movements of a specific asset for the period of one working day.

Day Trade

A trade that is opened and closed on the same day.

Demo Account

A forex trading account that is virtual and works with virtual money. Novice traders can use it to explore the market and become familiar with the environment of a forex market.

Depth of Market

it represents the volume of bids and asks of a currency or an asset at the current best prices.


after a currency plunges, the gap between the peak and the new low level is called drawdown.